
Parents In Transition Program

👇🏽 Registration is required.

For weekday classes, please note that class enrollment closes 48 hours before the classes begins. For weekend classes, enrollment closes on Thursday.

Upcoming Classes

For a complete schedule, click here.

Parents in Transition

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Since 2007, our Parents in Transition program is designed to assist parents regarding issues related to custody, separation, and divorce. This NY State Certified educational class, based on the P.E.A.C.E. program (Parent Education and Custody Effectiveness), is designed to help parents acquire new problem-solving skills for effective parenting, provide an introduction to the legal process, and reduce stress and conflict by maintaining a child-centered focus during this difficult time. 

Expect classes to result in:

  • Improved wellbeing

  • Better parent/child relationships. 

Additionally the information and skills taught to parents in this program aim to enhance parenting skills, further assisting children to develop resilience, and promote healthy adjustment to the changing family structure. This program is conveniently offered several times each month to accommodate busy schedules. Schedules are made available after registration.

In addition to group classes, our qualified clinicians offer private sessions. While each parenting program varies depending on needs, all parenting programs teach how to co-parent amicably; how to reduce conflict; how to build effective communication skills; and how to reduce stress.


Each class in the Parents in Transition costs $125. Participants are expected to submit payment in advance of the class.


The Parents in Transition program is currently being offered virtually via Zoom.

Court Mandated Attendees

For court mandated parenting class attendees, a certificate of completion will be provided upon successful completion of the program.