Our Approach

At CTS, we recognize the importance of addressing all needs uniquely. Beginning from the moment you contact us, we ensure that you will be connected with the therapist who can best serve you. Your therapist will take time to learn about you and your concerns and then work with you to create an individualized treatment plan.

There are many ways to find relief from emotional pain. Our therapists are trained in a variety of  therapeutic modalities and techniques in order to offer specialized Mental Health services, and we encourage you to learn more about CTS and our therapists. We utilize evidence-based practices that are effective in producing lasting change. Our therapists are available to assist you in the following areas:

Psychodynamic Therapy

Also known as insight-oriented therapy, this approach allows you to develop deeper awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.  Typically, when a person enters therapy, he or she  feels confused about why certain thoughts or feelings arise, or why certain unhealthy behaviors are repeated. Commonly with this approach, past issues are thoroughly explored, and individuals are then better able to understand their own defense patterns.  Using a psychodynamic lens, our therapists will help you gain insight so you can better understand the internal dynamics operating outside your awareness.  This approach can be helpful when you have the time and interest to explore deeply rooted issues and want to make sense of how past experiences influence your current behavior patterns and emotions

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

This modality uses a practical approach to help you cope more effectively with present-day stressors and difficulties.  It is based on a model that assumes thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are closely interrelated and that by changing unhelpful thinking patterns, you can improve your behaviors and experience positive emotions more frequently.  Using a CBT approach, you will learn to transform negative thoughts into thinking patterns that are realistic and helpful.  In addition to changing your thought patterns, CBT also addresses destructive behaviors in order to teach you effective problem-solving skills and methods of coping.  Often, homework exercises are assigned between sessions to help you strengthen newly learned skills.

Dialectic-Behavior Therapy

This approach offers a broad spectrum of skills aimed to improve your quality of life.  In DBT, 'dialects' refers to the idea that balance is achievable, and a middle path can be found.  Through DBT, you will learn to master skills in four areas: mindfulness, relationships and communication, managing emotions, and tolerating distress.  DBT skills will help you live more mindfully, improve your ability to communicate effectively with others, improve your capacity to cope with difficult emotions, and improve your ability to accept aspects of reality cannot be changed.

This approach is future-focused and focuses on solutions, rather than problems.  The goal of SFBT is to help you achieve your vision of solutions by drawing on your strengths to resolve current problems.  Unlike other forms of therapy, SFBT is typically short-term.  Therapists using this approach will help you identify the skills and resources needed to quickly make positive behavioral and lifestyle changes.

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Mindfulness is defined as purposefully tending to the present moment, and without judgment. This approach assumes that emotional suffering results from focusing on past and future worries at the expense of living fully in the present.  By improving your ability to live mindfully, you will begin to feel more relaxed and comfortable in the moment. Mindfulness-based therapy provides meditation skills and relaxation exercises to quiet your mind and help you fully enjoy the present without being negatively influenced by distressing thoughts or emotions.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy

This informal approach is used to help those who want to make a change but are not sure how, or who those are merely contemplating change.  MI is a conversational style in which a therapist will help you resolve your ambivalence about change and then work toward making improvements in your life.

Motivational Interviewing